Looking at work in the collection

Looking at work in the collection

Looking at work in the collection

Looking at work in the collection

Artist’s talk with Icleia Cattani

Artist’s talk with Icleia Cattani

preparatory drawing

linocut in Maria Lucia’s studio

linocut in Maria Lucia’s studio

linocut for exhibition invitation

work in progress

work in progress

work in progress

work in progress

work in progress Garibaldi studio

work in progress Garibaldi studio

work in progress Garibaldi studio

work in progress Garibaldi studio

Visit to exhibition Aã at Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos

Visit to exhibition Aã at Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos

Visit to exhibition Aã at Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos

Meeting with Jailton Moreira

Kilometro 11

work in progress

work in progress

Pete Lawrence (1957)  é gravador e escultor britânico. Além de ser grande amigo da Maria Lucia Cattani, Pete afirma que alguns de seus trabalhos têm forte influencia da obra dela.

Estudou Fine Art na Reading University (onde Maria Lucia Cattani fez doutorado em 1998).

Trabalhou 30 anos como professor de arte em escolas públicas na Inglaterra.

Pete Lawrence is a British printmaker and sculptor. He was a close friend of Maria Lucia Cattani and has stated that some of his works have close connections with hers.

He studied Fine Art at Reading University (where Maria Lucia Cattani took a doctorate in 1998).

He worked for 30 years as an art teacher in England

Obras selecionadas / selected works

House of Sticks, 30x20cm 2014, linocut

House of Sticks, 30x20cm 2014, linocut

Pharos, 2015, 30 x 20 cm, linocut

Mayan Glow, 2015, linocut, cut and glued 30×30 cm

All the tea in China,15 x 15 cm, 2013 – relief print cut and glued

Ivy drip, 2015, linocut, cut and glued, 30×30 cm

Military Two Step, 2015, linocut, cut and glued 30×30 cm

Harmattan, printed, cut and collaged card, A1 2015

Invertebrate Selection, 2015, linocut, cut and glued, 30×30 cm

Chilli-oatmeal, 2016 ,80 x 50 cm stamped, cut and glued card (detail)

Mistral, 2016, 80 x 50 cm. stamped, cut and glued paper (detail)

Burnout, 2016, 100 x80 cm, stamped, cut and glued paper (detail)

Hole in the floor, 2002, 100cmø pine

Pharos, 2015, 30 x 20 cm, linocut

Far Corner, 2007, 80x 80 x 30 pine.

Vent, 2009, 120 x 30 cm Willow

Hung,110 x 50 cm, 2009 plywood

Big Fish, 2010, 40 x 30 cm, Mahogany and found frame

Country, hazel, 2014, 170×200 cm

Little Dart hazel, 2015–200 x 250 cm

Security, 2016- hazel 200x100cm

Synapse, hazel , 250x200cm, 2016

Exposições incluem/exhibitions include:Reading Target, 1980;Developments in art since last Thursday, Cheltenham Axiom Centre 1981;Sticks– Southern Arts Touring Exhibition Service 1990;Narrative Wood Carving,Southern Arts Touring Exhibition Service 1992; New Improved Forest, ARC Gallery, Londres, 2001;Nunhead Art Trail,Londres, 2015, 2016 e 2017

Residências de artista/artist residencies: Margam Sculpture Park, 1983, 1984; Narrative Wood Carving Workshop, 1992; Poole Country Park 1993


Artist residency

Lino cut in Maria Lucia’s studio

3 days in Garibaldi

Printing  in Maria Lucia’s studio

Printing at Museu do Trabalho